Are you curious how you can be successful in the world of apps? In this blog post, we’re taking you on a journey through captivating a few app success stories from our daily practice. We have seen apps work their magic and transform businesses into digital powerhouses. So, grab your virtual popcorn and get ready to dive in and witness the power of app-ification
Qmusic is the largest radio station in the Netherlands, with a market share of 20.6% (20-49 YTD) and 3,5 million listeners on average per week. The app of Qmusic plays an important role in their digital strategy. Their digital app strategy was focussed on increasing the number of logged in users to be able to better understand and convert their audience. Next to this the radio station wanted to stimulate users to listen to other Q channels like Q-summer, the famous ‘Foute Uur’, Q non stop, One World Radio and more digital channels.
How did we make this happen? Next to setting clear goals it was most important to put the end-user in the spotlight of the app optimization. To be able to do this, we held a two-week Discovery sprint together with the Qmusic team. In this sprint, we conducted research based on Qmusic her strategy and goals, including improvement points compared to the existing app, the user journeys, analysis of competing apps, research for the best suitable technologies, clear KPI setting and a plan for quality assurance (QA).
Within this initial sprint, we also created an initial prototype and conducted extensive UI/UX respondent research. In the UI/UX research, we had groups of 5-6 listeners test various prototypes of the app. This research is led by our UX lead and we made use of the famous Mr. Tappy, a camera that records tap behavior on the mobile screen. Qmusic was present at our office during these sessions, where we both watched the behavior of the panel members.
The app went live in September 2022 and the results of the completely renewed Qmusic app are impressive: Logged in usage had tripled with now more than 50% of the listeners! Next to this, app fans listen to more and more radio stations due to the easy navigation and user interface for radio channel selection.
Putting the user in the center of your app strategy, offer them a fun and easy to use solution, test this and be very clear on your KPI’s. This was the right mix for the app success.
De Telegraaf: A Seamless News Experience
De Telegraaf is one of the largest news media brands in the Netherlands with millions of users for iOS and Android, every month . They have a massive digital footprint and we are thus pleased to work with them for more than 12 years. The app counts for over 60% of the Telegraaf’s digital reach and is an important channel for converting readers to paying, premium customers. The news of De Telegraaf is just one tap away on your mobile device.
But what exactly, makes this app a blockbuster app? In general, there are a few key elements that are generally considered important for newsapps:
- Scanability
A topic closely related to user experience. Various user studies have shown that for Telegraaf readers, the speed at which they could get an overview of the most important news was crucial. The faster, the better. This requires effort from both the editorial team (considering the content and length of headlines) and the designers and developers of the interface, in our case, the app. In this regard, the designers have dedicated a lot of attention and conducted tests with different fonts, both in terms of size and line thickness. These variables affect how quickly someone can absorb information. It also required effort from the developers: for efficient scanning, the app needs to be highly performant, meaning that the content must be available within milliseconds. This includes the content visible while scrolling. We have worked closely with the backend developers of De Telegraaf to find an optimum solution, which includes implementing smart caching. We continuously explore opportunities for further optimization.
- Performance
In addition to improving scanability, good and fast performance is crucial throughout the app. Users don’t want any stutters or delays, regardless of their interactions with the app. Whether it’s opening articles, playing audio and video, or navigating to different sections, everything should be executed rapidly. Again, milliseconds matter and can prevent users from abandoning the app. There is a direct correlation between performance and user engagement. That’s why improving app speed is a recurring topic in our development meetings.
- Intuitiveness
Part of a seamless user experience is the app’s intuitive usability. Users should be able to navigate through the app effortlessly, without having to think too much. This requires excellent copywriting, including clear labels for buttons, as well as the use of unambiguous icons. In general, simplicity is key. The Telegraaf app serves as a good example in this regard. There are no unnecessary or hidden buttons or menus. It features a clear navigation structure, with the most important functionalities accessible through the tab bar at the bottom. To achieve this, it’s essential to validate all design ideas with users, avoiding blind spots and unnecessary time loss due to later rework.
- Content
No matter how good the app is, if it’s filled with mediocre content, it becomes pointless. The app’s content is the primary motivation for all users to use the app. Apart from creating compelling content, the editorial team needs to carefully consider how this content is presented in the app and on the website. What is the most important article right now? How often should it be refreshed? How do we grab the reader’s attention and keep it? At De Telegraaf, this means having a diverse timeline consisting of a mix of articles covering various topics. It also includes puzzles, videos, and podcasts. It’s a varied showcase that changes throughout the day, where every user can find something of interest and then delve into specific topics. Personalization also plays a role and is an ongoing focus area for continuous improvement. Currently, push notifications can be personalized based on individual preferences, and there are experiments with “blocks” containing personalized articles based on historical user behavior.
By continuously focusing on these pillars, De Telegraaf has been one of the best news apps in the Netherlands for years. We remain committed to maintaining this position and making the app even better to meet the needs of our users.
Plastic Soup Foundation: Combating Environmental Challenges
Plastic Soup started with one big mission: stopping the tsunami of microplastics as soon as possible! The foundation aims to make a significant impact in reducing plastic pollution, protecting marine life, and promoting a cleaner and healthier environment for current and future generations. Cosmetics are an important source for plastic pollution.
Step one was to get more insights on the percentage of cosmetics that actually contain microplastics. It would be interesting to have real time data and be able to compare that over the years. So why not empower the users to become citizen scientists, collect data, and contribute to a cleaner environment while raising awareness about the plastic crisis?
This was the challenge that the Plastic Soup Foundation asked Pinch for to come up with a solution. So we helped them with creating an app with the ability to scan cosmetic product’s ingredient labels and analyze with AI if it contains micro-plastics and if so, which. With these scans The Foundation builds a database and publishes every year a press release with the current status of micro plastics in cosmetics. Their message reaches millions of people via national newspapers and important radio and television news programs. By that, it creates awareness amongst the public and also puts pressure on the industry to make better products.
The app itself is beautiful in its simplicity. It truly excels in one functionality. Despite the complex technology used on the backend, the user sees a clear button immediately upon opening the app, which allows for an instant scan. After the scan is performed, we provide a clear screen indicating that the scan is being analyzed. This usually takes only a few seconds, after which the user receives feedback on whether the scanned product contains microplastics. The user also receives feedback on the nature of the specific plastic.
The app has received a lot of media attention in the Netherlands, including coverage on a well-known consumer program on television called “De Keuringsdienst van Waarde.” It was also extensively featured and explained on the popular talk show “Jinek.”
To date, there have been over three million scans made with the app. It’s truly a fantastic result for the Plastic Soup Foundation and Pinch, but ultimately for all of us and our environment.
These success stories prove that with the right app strategy, design and technology apps can play a leading role in your digital channel strategy. Connecting to the end-users journey, add value and create a seamless experience with your other digital channels. At Pinch, we’re experts in crafting exceptional app experiences that leave users wanting more. Are you planning to make an app or do you already have one and you would like to know more about apps, please get in touch with us or find more information about our Discovery approach or App APK.